The Right Lenses for Optimum Vision

Lenses are the most important part of a pair of glasses, and the selection is huge! What lenses are out there for effectively correcting vision problems?

Classic lens

Single vision lenses – for short-sightedness (myopia) and long-sightedness (hyperopia)

Single vision lenses prescription power is equal across the entire lens. They are used in distance and reading glasses. In reading glasses, the lenses are geared for vision in the near zone and fitted to standard reading distance. They are designed for reading smaller fonts on a book, smartphone or tablet.

Astigmatism is corrected with Toric Lenses

Toric lenses are single vision lenses with an additional prescription power is incorporated into the lens. This balances out the astigmatism: this is known as cylinder correction (“CYL” on your eye prescription.)

Multifocal lenses: for presbyopia

Multifocal lenses have a power for near, intermediate, and distance views – and all of this is done seamlessly without any dividing line. The power is smooth from top to bottom and moves from distance to near vision. Multifocal lenses enable clear, relaxed vision at all distances and are the perfect choice for correcting presbyopia. They’re great for reading, working with computers, or for simply gazing into the distance.

Clarium Multifocal Lenses enable not only clear, natural vision, but also with minimum soft focus in the transition zones. It’s a comfortable pair of glasses for everyday use. Multifocal lenses are ideal for people who are beginning to develop presbyopia.

Special lenses for specific applications

Every glasses wearer is unique, depending on their lifestyle, hobbies or career. Glasses need to be able to meet a whole range of different needs. It’s important to analyse your vision need with your dispenser or optometrist so they can recommend the right lenses for you. In addition to the “classic” lens options, there are also special kinds that help you achieve the best vision for you

Digital lenses: block blue light to prevent digital eyestrain

Using digital technologies such as smartphones and computers puts a lot of stress on our eyes every single day. Our eyes are exposed to blue light exposure from these devices, which could lead to trouble sleeping and digital eyestrain. This can lead to headaches and neck strain, and burning or tired eyes, particularly as we get older. Clarium digital lenses are able to block these blue light exposure which may help you sleep better at night and prevent digital eye strain.

Anti-glare lenses

Glare when driving can be distracting and dangerous while on the road. Anti-Glare lenses are great for people who are sensitive to reflections and can help combat perceived glare. They are also great for people who are out on the water often, i.e for fishing.

Photochromic lenses: sun protection without switching glasses

Special sun lenses can help your vision in many situations, but always switching between sunglasses to optical glasses can be difficult. The solution is Photochromic lenses, which are self-tinting lenses. They offer perfect UV protection and optimum vision in one lens – thus eliminating the hassle of switching glasses. These lenses will change tint depending on the intensity of the UV rays – from slightly tinted through to the full tint like a pair of sunglasses. They darken instantly and clear in just a few minutes.

Because there is a wide selection of lenses available, it means that it can be difficult to choose the right one! Remember: a thorough analysis of your visual needs is all you need to find the perfect lenses for your needs. Optometrists and optical dispensers can always help you find the right lenses for you.

Ino Tumamao